Friday, June 24, 2005

lost treasure

so fast
the heart can sink

a shift in circumstances
like a weighted trunk
with brass handles
thick lock
unknown contents


who will find it?
lone coin
in a dizzing dance floor of air spheres
spewing from its wooden seams
it seems

that all is tucked and tossed

so this is the origin of lost treasure!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

we meet

we meet in the hollow mast of the sky's spine
cosmic chute, like a bank teller's soda straw tube
how does the machine suck your loot?
from the cement lined drive right through
press the rectangle that reads "send" in blue
deposit your work, cash in your life's juice
for hire
highest truth

who governs the transaction?

no wonder,
you're a part of me
in brackets
behind the glass
of the well conditioned establishment
stacking slips and security number stand ins

when you make the cosmic transition
who's lane will you be in?

Wednesday, June 8, 2005

freedom fighter

unleash the beast that will pass out the sheets
washed with lemon zinger
dry hung in the streets

furry catcher's glove claws
full racks of glowing teeth
jossling tin can roar
calling out the cowardly cheats

freedom fighter
ruling insider
move toward the double yellow line
until you are in sight of her

then scoop her out from behind the wheel
sweep back her falling hair
rub her feet off the road
carry her body up the stair

there now, there now, there, there, there, there

the splattered star clusters
are staring you down
through the observatory
squinting into the eye piece
it's obligaratory
to let the space scapes take over

voyager. meteor dust flaking into your face
you've come to this peak to find your pace
amongst the dumpsters and the metropolitan landscapes

metal detector i'm a saucer of nickel overseen
lodged beneath the sunburned lady's towel
and the tv queen's sheets
unleash your search party
to the track of the beating down heat
sew the circle complete

freedom fighter
ruling insider
move toward the double yellow line
until you are in sight of her

Sunday, June 5, 2005

sacred fire

marsh or meadow
meat and pie
you are sturdy
as a mason jar
hearty as a fly

rock solid as a miner's
mineral picker
in the blindness
of thick night

as a kite's cross
free flight
exposed in sky

mud holed and earth caked
a thick trunk of sprouted rye
broad barreled and mosaiced
mountain stance
at triumphant heights

teach me of your closeness
to the lonely owl's cry
convince me of your wholeness
eternal burning
sacred fire

Saturday, June 4, 2005

speak in silence, know thy Name

wake before the sunshine shifts the navel
blink before the page flaunts its fickle fable
love before the feast falls from the tilted table
lodge chrysanthumums in the sockets of those
who are not able

the cobblestone cover is a shield for the vulnerable
a thorny crown makes a sheath
chivalry hangs in bronzed v shaped scales
a breathless warrior falls from the heat

the electronic kingdom is dashingly built
game boxes, powered glow
the forest inventories its wire tailed foxes
the arrow obeys the bow

a dead collection of hair
nods the humble vow to grow
the human treading in its imperfection
magnifies molecules to know

so bundle the milky marrow
and commission the attentive marine
maneuver the marbled manuscript
whilst its time teller marks the scene

gather at the ankles of your majesty
and the soft mallet of the her mahogany mane
make easy your virtuous vowels
speak in silence, know thy Name

Friday, May 27, 2005

feel free

feel free to romance me
tuck a loose hair
behind my ear

gaze hazily
blurry bubbled
like beer

mouth layered
loosely like a

feel free to lift me
hem of my skirt to the breeze
meat of your thighs plus my
tree climbing knees

feel free
to be my arthur
to be my author
to be

feel free to thread
your pole through my
tattered tent,
faded, soggy, tired of camp,
veggies from a can
unwashed hands
unnatural urban circumstance

feel free to join me
in the day's crinkle
under dropping stars on terracota shingles
in the empty bucket ting of a gypsy's ankle jingle
in the crossover from numb pins to tingle

feel free
to belt your questions, undo the knots
unfold shapes and gardenia blossums
where the guns began to knock
relapsing, rescaping, rechosen,
feel free

Thursday, May 19, 2005

i'll decide

'll decide the end of this chapter
white knuckles in mahogany
cherry poppers, knotted rafter
rose hipped petals for the eyes of the body

i'll decide the position of the skies
the scattering of stale crumb
sealed letters, well rendered goodbyes
the witty word of an ironic pun

the angle of the pillow
the farenheit of the air
the ready sweep of the willow
the syllables of the prayer

the point of departure
the gate's latch, runway and time
the exact transition over
the escalation of the climb

the bird will be buried
once every last feather falls
the fragile will be married
when the twin ghosts cease their brawl

the silent will chose the weapon
and amplify an ancient hum
yes i'll decide the finale
a loose dictation of the one

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

artist unknown

drawn in fine charcoal
-artist unknown-
a network of midnight hatchwork
obsidian glow

from the black wings of the eyebrows
to the crescent shadow of the toes
a vertical panorama of darkness
from this point all things grow

webs of sketched tracks
marching wildly up a leg's line
trailing rims of licorice
ephemeral presentation tossed to time

lightness and nightness
your jaguar passion purr
coffee skin, lacquer eyes
mushing, melding, slur

propped up on the elbows
an organic eisel display
three dimensional rendering
tissued shelter, earlobe, sway

we come to play red bird-wild cat
in the gut of the evening's break
our bottomless pit of magician's hat
swapped token's
lover's cake

Saturday, April 30, 2005

life is crawling

life is crawling
slithering around the crumbling
red elbow of handmade brick
pod and prick,
spiked and shifting
checkered and charred
wrapped by the yard
looping the decaying ribs of an abandoned chair's arm

plugged into an all knowing socket
cascading in tear dropped rows
blistering in gummy green goblets
bubbling up in sensual prose

when you sit with her
the answers come before the questions
she's velvet and caring
bent over a tin of lemon scented suds
her promise precedes the swearing

she sews a milagro into the seam of your pants
and tip-toes the porches' wood collar
a bowl of hot chilis on the tray of her chest
in the company of ironwood trees and quick crawlers

the kindest gifts, billowing love rifts
an embroidered managerie round the handles of her hips
she's an elegant composition of senitas,
prickly pears, organ pipes, cardones, open vistas

in the green moon of the sonoran desert
bear grass is gathered for our baskets
and caracas are packed deep in the dirt
asking for the squash and corn to bless us

plugged into an all knowing socket
cascading in tear dropped rows
blistering in gummy green goblets
bubbling up in sensual prose


Friday, April 29, 2005

you're joke broke

you're joke broke
the ice, but the ice
broke my try
to have some clear communication

robots chirp their mechanical blades
the whos its and whatsits the latest crave
circumnavigating the highway
between my earcanal and your brain

soothe and tame, soothe and tame
a shattered frozen panel won't goldleaf your domain
your bloated dramas are begging for a change
with the heat of your calm breath, defrost your domain

sit here on this sunburnt bench
watch the seabirds braid the waves
the cumulonimbus shifts its head
naked, windswept, saltwashed, beige

soothe and tame, soothe and tame
cast aside the styrofoam peanuts
dump the box til it's empty
vacant and plenty
like peter and wendy
armpits to the wind

Saturday, April 23, 2005

lure me

lure me to your love lit tent
where the geese fly
without breaking a sweat
and your arms pretzeled 'round
my soda straw neck
erase all my lousy, haphazard bets

excuse me i'm seemingly playing on rewind
on playing. seemingly. i'm me. excuse.

looking through the kaleidescope
you held up to my heart
i see emerald hooded planets
and long lost car parts

piles of prose,
awkward false starts
assembly lines of workers
piecing together new stars

excuse me. i'm seemingly playing on rewind
on playing. seemingly. i'm me. excuse me.

. . . . . (restaurant sounds)

Monday, January 17, 2005


these days i try to remember the
crooked curve of your mouth
what was your name again?
the jade sphere of your eye
give me a hint

Monday, January 10, 2005

positivity show

they built a jungle jim in our living room
and hung us from our ankles
made a skyscraper from dustpans and brooms
sending us up with security cables

and planted fruit trees in our dusty closets
collaged our calendars with shiny blue paper
punched our old clothes with golden grommets
then shot them with flashlights-
constellation makers!

and laid down the needle on a continuous track
bellowing out amplified prose
and battered our bodies with stardust and kisses
from our walkers to the flats of our noses

they boxed up the broken pieces
like a birthday party on the go
then stalked the goblins and the creepers-
positivity show