Friday, May 27, 2005

feel free

feel free to romance me
tuck a loose hair
behind my ear

gaze hazily
blurry bubbled
like beer

mouth layered
loosely like a

feel free to lift me
hem of my skirt to the breeze
meat of your thighs plus my
tree climbing knees

feel free
to be my arthur
to be my author
to be

feel free to thread
your pole through my
tattered tent,
faded, soggy, tired of camp,
veggies from a can
unwashed hands
unnatural urban circumstance

feel free to join me
in the day's crinkle
under dropping stars on terracota shingles
in the empty bucket ting of a gypsy's ankle jingle
in the crossover from numb pins to tingle

feel free
to belt your questions, undo the knots
unfold shapes and gardenia blossums
where the guns began to knock
relapsing, rescaping, rechosen,
feel free

Thursday, May 19, 2005

i'll decide

'll decide the end of this chapter
white knuckles in mahogany
cherry poppers, knotted rafter
rose hipped petals for the eyes of the body

i'll decide the position of the skies
the scattering of stale crumb
sealed letters, well rendered goodbyes
the witty word of an ironic pun

the angle of the pillow
the farenheit of the air
the ready sweep of the willow
the syllables of the prayer

the point of departure
the gate's latch, runway and time
the exact transition over
the escalation of the climb

the bird will be buried
once every last feather falls
the fragile will be married
when the twin ghosts cease their brawl

the silent will chose the weapon
and amplify an ancient hum
yes i'll decide the finale
a loose dictation of the one

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

artist unknown

drawn in fine charcoal
-artist unknown-
a network of midnight hatchwork
obsidian glow

from the black wings of the eyebrows
to the crescent shadow of the toes
a vertical panorama of darkness
from this point all things grow

webs of sketched tracks
marching wildly up a leg's line
trailing rims of licorice
ephemeral presentation tossed to time

lightness and nightness
your jaguar passion purr
coffee skin, lacquer eyes
mushing, melding, slur

propped up on the elbows
an organic eisel display
three dimensional rendering
tissued shelter, earlobe, sway

we come to play red bird-wild cat
in the gut of the evening's break
our bottomless pit of magician's hat
swapped token's
lover's cake