Sunday, July 30, 2006

lost snake

someone else in in your window
someone else is in this bed
with the mouth of a widow
once alive, but not yet dead

she's a residue of kisses
a mason jar of pegs
that you'll poke in other bodies
to numb your flashback head

she's deep toned moaning floor boards
translucent yellow legs
drawing lies from a pin hole
as a needle pulls its thread

i'll bring her shiney cherries
i'll feed her warm cornbread
i'll give her the stupid attention
one gives bright-eyed newlyweds

you make some room beside us
you write down what she says
she says
this stage is not forever
even lost snakes will shed

now i can see behind
what she can see ahead
the lingering of a love song
once alive but now it's dead

get her out of this window
get her out of this bed
she's not your lonesome widow
you're still alive, it's she who's dead