Wednesday, December 5, 2007

rolly polly

rolly polly won't you show me what I'm worth?
this pitch fork and shovel are bound for trouble
they've lost the earth
the moon is a poster child
bare boned and bravely wild
can't take her to church
we bundle our sage and thyme
pour the milk, light the fire
where sadness lurks

i traded my lover, friends and brothers
for thorns and chirps
exposed my secrets
told you you could keep it
where it hurts

this disaster has lead to laughter
and peace of mind is the torn flag I'm after
the golden chime of an untouched chapter
pull your soul down from off the rafters!

rolly polly she kindly told me what she's heard
she said the strongest empires, crowns and high childs
depend on dirt
the jetplanes and runaways
can't survive on words
we'll invite this pile up,
this car wreck, and sour luck
until we all take turns